The Health Improvement Promotion Program (HIPP) of the California Army National Guard Medical Detachment has been piloted within the unit since 2003. The overall purpose of the program is to increase soldier readiness and improve the overall health of soldiers in the Cal Guard. The program consists of an assessment phase, an initial prescriptive plan of action for each soldier, on-going support, and an objective evaluation component. The outcomes of this initial program have resulted in soldiers increasing the status of their physical fitness, decreasing weight, decreasing blood pressure, reducing stress, decreasing the use of tobacco products, and improving critical health parameters such as cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood lipids.
The Medical Detachment would like to now export this program to line units in the California Army National Guard for the purpose of offering strategies to enhance soldier readiness and ultimately assist each soldier to attain a level of optimal health.
The HIPP program consists of the following:
Step One: Identify Soldier Requesting HIPP
Step Two: Assign Medic Counselor to facilitate the program
Step Three: Assessment via the HIPP Site
· Access HIPP Link
· Download Forms
. 1) HIPP Initial Assessment
. 2) AHC Survey
· Access Link Site
. Access Real
Step Four: Meet with Medic Health Facilitator and fill out all forms
including all parameters (physical findings, including
labs) listed on the HIPP Assessment document.
Step Five: Determine Prescriptive Plan of Action
See below for links
For additional health/mental health information, use links to the left.